Saturday, June 7, 2014

Adobe Voice App

The end of the year is approaching fast and I have been wanting to bring in a new form of technology to my Level 1 ESL class at the DCA. I was able to borrow 9 Ipads from the ATC, and I had them install the Adobe Voice app. I stumbled across this app recently and I've fallen in love with it. I believe it's easy enough for my Level 1 class to use. Here is an example that I used in my class:

The students were very impressed with my little video and even more excited when I told them they would be making their own videos. We began the process last Wednesday and will finish up on Monday. I had them answer a list of personal information questions on paper and I helped correct spellings, grammar and vocabulary. Now they are starting to make their videos, and they seem to be quickly catching on. We should be getting a set of ipads in our department soon, and I look forward to using this app more often in class.

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